The Fabulous: life of our saints!

"The Fabulous" is a collection of Elementary School books aimed at having a direct impact on Catholic Saints awareness for kids. This is a series of 20 fantastic books telling the life of Catholic Saints to support you and your family in the catholic faith formation of your children.

Latest releases:

Saint Benedict of Nursia

Once upon a time in Nursia, there was a Fabulous man called Benedict and with his "rule" he not just changed his life, but the whole world.

Saint Padre Pio

This is a story about what marvelous things God is capable of doing in our lives when we let ourselves be truly guided by him. Please meet Saint Padre Pio, one of most spectacular Saints of the 20th Century.

Saint Therese of Lisieux

What is the impact that little things everyday can make towards your salvation? Come with us and learn about "La Petite Fleur": the Little Flower.

Saint Faustina Kowalska

God had a special present for the twentieth century: her name was Faustina and her mission was to make our Lord's Divine Mercy known all across the world.

Check our Full Collection:

Saint John Bosco
Saint Kateri
Sain Teresa of Calcutta
Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
Saint Joan of Arc
Saint Nuno of Saint Mary
Saint Tarcisius
Saint Joseph of Cupertino
Saint Francis Assisi
Saint Olaf of Norway
Saint Michael Archangel
Saint Dominic Savio
Saint Bernadette
Saint Dulce
Saint John Paul II
Saint Patricl


Isabella, mother of four.

I love how the letters are well spaced, very big and easy to see. It helps to read during bedtime. I want to explore each aspect of the stories for my children.

Esther, catechist

For our Sunday faith formation classes, this is very interesting. I will send one book per kid, every week, with the proposal: " Take this Saint home and read it with your family". It will be a great instrument for our catechesis.


What is "The Fabulous" collection?

The Fabulous is a collection of books that tells the story of our Catholic Saints in an inviting and engaging way for children. These books were prepared having Elementary and Middle School children in mind. We keep the heroism and bravery of our Saints.

What are the books that are part of "The Fabulous" collection?

Following the first wave of launches, we are delivering 20 books in total. We have selected these 20 men and women to lead and inspire help our children in the path to sanctity.

Are there any plans to increase the collection?

Yes, after the 20 initial books are published, we will continue to bring additional content. Coloring books, mathematics and other educational books using our Saints as the backdrop to deliver information are planned. A second wave of saints stories is also being made.

How can I learn more about partnerships with local Parishes and Schools?

We have special packages of books to Catholic Families, Parishes and Schools. Please contact us (Contact Us) to learn more on how we can make these books widely available in your community.

Our Family

We are a Catholic Family just like yours. As one, we also struggle to educate our children in the teachings of the church. Our Saints are a great example to our children, however it's very hard to find relevant and trustworthy information about them, in a language that is palatable to children in Elementary and Middle Schools.

Please join our effort in making our Saints histories, devotion and heroic acts reach as many people as possible.

Bring the Saints' inspirational lives into your child's world.